Balance in All Things

Or Bacon and Tomato as dubbed by Abs! 🥓 & 🍅

Super casual player vs player battle simulation (PvP), or player in scenario that I make (PvE). Nothing will be balanced or make any sense, made to just be a fun game to shoot the shit with.

There’s literally nothing except your role card that either you choose, is randomed, you pick between a few roles, or pick/ban draft mode. There are no limits to the amount of non-unique roles. There are no limits to roles and factions, every role can be any faction/win condition. There’s no limit to the amount of actions per day, besides cooldowns and charges. There’s no voting, there’s 24 hour days, in order to eliminate someone you must use your abilities, which will drain their HP to 0. The order of actions will be either chosen or randomized. There is a time limit of 7 days to do 3 random tasks that I specify that you will have to figure out how to do because I probably wouldn’t have figured it out myself.

Win Conditions

PvE and PvP
In PvP, you guys can choose teams (or randomized) and fight in the same above mentioned format. Whichever team survives last wins.
In PvE, you guys play versus me and I create a scenario. If you beat the scenario you win.

If you want to look at the design document, the document is here: